Dear Friends and Relatives,
As you know, my son Joseph was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes (Insulin-Dependent or Type 1) in 1998, one day before his fourth birthday. From that moment on, our lives changed drastically. He needs as much as 4-6 Insulin shots a day to live. My heart goes out to him especially when he says things like, "Mommy, a long time ago we didn't have to do all this (blood monitoring & shots). Can we return it, please? At that moment, reality set in. I had to tell him that this was his new way of life now. Six months later, my seven-year-old daughter Monica was diagnosed also. She too is now on insulin.

This is why I must do whatever I can to help support the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. JDF gives more money to diabetes research than any other non-profit, non-governmental health agency in the world. My hopes and prayers are to see a cure for this life-altering disease in my children's lifetime.
Won't you please join us in support of this worthy cause? Your generous donation will help find a cure, not only for my children, but for all children affected by this disease.
Sincerely Yours,
Lucy Michaud

"My fingers have been poked 17,885 times and I have received 10,220 shots. Please help me find a cure."

"Thank you for coming tonight because I can eat candy, but not a lot, and I wish I didn't have diabetes."
Jacob Karnofel

"Recently I was asked who was my hero, I didn't have to think too long before I was sure it was my Dad. He helped me cope with my Diabetes. He is my prince."
Thank you to all the members of HOPE FOR A CURE GUILD.
Jami Koury
Diagnosed at age 8
Hello, My name is Stella Aguirre. I am Monica and Joseph's cousin. I have noticed how hard it is to take care of someone with Juvenile Diabetes. Its not an easy job. If you could take the time to recognize the women who devote their lives to finding a cure. You would be astonished. They are the women of Hope For a Cure Guild, and these women will show you that dreams come true.
Thank You.
Stella Aguirre